We are a collective of Indigenous, Chicano, and Mexican artists, educators, curators, and designers dedicated to producing original works, exhibitions, and public artworks. Our mission extends to supporting artists, institutions, and galleries we respect through the creation of large-scale, site-specific installations, murals and exhibitions.

3B Current Members
Alfredo Diaz, BA UCLA, 2016 | MFA Yale, 2019
Aaron Estrada, BA UCLA, 2016 | MFA VCU 2020
Oscar Magallanes, BA UCLA 2017 | UCSD MFA 2021
Adrian Alfaro, BA UCLA, 2016
Alexa Ramirez, BA Pomona College 2022
Ruben Ortiz-Torres, MFA California Institute of Arts 1992
Inactive Members
Gustavo Martinez, BA UCLA, 2015
Michael Khosravifard, BBA Loyola Marymount University 2015